Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Tesla Model X Eyes-on: Can It Just Be Here Already?

      Tesla’s Model X is arguably one of the more anticipated car releases of the past decade. The automaker has become a darling in the electric vehicle industry, gaining a cult following that grows bigger every day. And the Model X is atop that glorious pile of zero emissions glory. It’s just too bad the damn thing’s release keeps getting pushed back.
Set to come out sometime in early 2016, the Model X promises to achieve the experience and quality of the Model S into the form factor of an SUV. It sports some really awesome falcon wing doors, which not only look amazing, but are designed to be functional, even in the narrowest of parking spots. Tesla says the elegance of the design allows you to “step” into a Model X, not climb... 

Source : http://www.technobuffalo.com/videos/tesla-model-x-eyes-on-can-it-just-be-here-already/

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